HR Compliance Content

A baseline need for every organization.

Titles Include:

Skillsoft HR Bundle – Course Titles & Descriptions

Your Role in Workplace Diversity – .5 hours

  • Recognize the actions you can take to become aware of your values and beliefs
  • Recognize how to adjust your self-talk to manage your reactions in challenging situations involving diversity
  • Recognize guidelines for embracing social and cultural diversity in the workplace
  • Recognize how your actions can improve social and cultural diversity
  • Sequence the steps in the process for implementing a flexible communication style
  • Recognize methods to improve your active listening skills
  • Recognize attributes of inclusive language
  • Develop your own capabilities to embrace and leverage diversity in your workplace

Americans with Disabilities Act: An Overview for Managers – .2 hours

  • Recognize the responsibilities of managers for avoiding discrimination based on disability in employment
  • Recognize and respond appropriately to requests for reasonable accommodation
  • Recognize how and why to support your organization’s compliance with the ADA as a manager
  • Reflect on what you’ve learned

Preventing Bullying and Violence – .3 hours

  • Identify situations and behaviors that would be considered workplace violence
  • Recognize early warning signs of the potential for violent behavior
  • Identify how to respond appropriately when confronted by an aggressor in the workplace
  • Identify how to recognize, respond to, and prevent violence in the workplace

Global Cybersecurity Basics – .2 hours

  • Recognize habits that threaten organizational systems and data security and ways to mitigate them
  • Identify characteristics of social engineering attacks
  • Recognize how to keep systems and data safe from attackers
  • Reflect on what you’ve learned

Security Awareness for End Users – .5 hours

  • Identify why campus networks are targeted by hackers
  • Identify personal benefits of promoting campus network security
  • Identify the methods hackers use to try and exploit others online
  • Recognize practical strategies to improve security on your personal devices
  • Recognize good online habits that can help keep you safe and improve campus network security

Promoting a Substance-free Workplace – .5 hours

  • Recognize the benefits of providing a substance-free workplace
  • Identify common signs of employee substance abuse

Global Diversity – .5 hours

  • Identify the characteristics of inclusive workplaces
  • Recognize the benefits of supporting a diverse workforce
  • Recognize harassment in a workplace setting
  • Distinguish characteristics of bullying behavior
  • Recognize strategies for promoting inclusion
  • Recognize how workplace inclusion policies and procedures support employees

Integrity in the Workplace – 1 hour

  • Recognize the types of fraud or abuse issues that are commonly subject to whistleblowing by employees
  • Recognize appropriate strategies for blowing the whistle
  • Recognize the purpose whistleblower protections serve
  • Identify the types of actions that are prohibited by whistleblower protection laws

Harassment Prevention for US Employees – Office 2 – .5 hours

  • Witness harassing behavior in action
  • Identify protected classes covered under federal law
  • Identify the elements of unlawful harassment
  • Demonstrate familiarity with harassment laws
  • Describe how to respond to workplace harassment
  • Recognize the benefits of a workplace that is based on respect and free from harassment
  • Take action to respond to harassment and cultivate a respectful workplace culture
  • Recognize the importance of courtesy and respect in the workplace
  • Reflect on what you’ve learned
  • Recall information about existing anti-harassment laws

Harassment Prevention for US Managers – Office 2 – 2 hours

  • Identify the characteristics that are protected by federal law
  • Define terms associated with the legal definitions of workplace harassment
  • Determine whether a situation involves potential sexual harassment and why
  • Determine whether a situation has the potential to be considered unlawful workplace harassment
  • Recognize types of legal sanctions and costs that can apply to companies that do not take steps to prevent or address sexual harassment
  • Recognize an employer’s responsibilities with regard to protecting employees from harassment
  • Deal effectively with harassing conduct by an employee before it escalates
  • Handle a complaint of harassment following basic guidelines and your company’s policy
  • Identify what actions to take if you are accused of harassment
  • Recognize actions that would be considered retaliation if taken by a manager in response to a harassment claim
  • Identify what actions to take if an employee files a complaint with an external agency

Active Shooter 2.0 – .2 hours

  • Identify statements that describe characteristics of active shooter or violent attacker situations
  • Identify ways to prepare in case of an active shooter incident
  • Identify guidelines for escaping from, hiding from, or engaging with a violent attacker
  • Identify appropriate actions to take when law enforcement personnel arrive
  • Reflect on what you’ve learned

Skillsoft – Canadian French

Cours de Conformité des Ressources Humaines

  • La LAPHO: Normes d’accessibilité intégrées AODA: Integrated Accessibility Standards – Ontario (Durée: 1 heure)
  • Vie privée et sécurité des renseignements dans un contexte Mondial Global Privacy and Information Security (Durée: .5 heure)
  • Conflits d’intérêts mondiaux Global Conflicts of Interest (Durée: .5 heure)
  • Éthique des affaires dans un contexte Mondial Global Business Ethics (Durée: .5 heure)
  • Fraude dans un contexte Mondial Global Fraud (Durée: .4 heure)
  • Diversité à l’échelle mondiale Global Diversity (Durée: .5 heure)
  • Lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent international Global Anti-Money Laundering (Durée: .3 heure)
  • Principes de base de la cybersécurité mondiale Global Cybersecurity Basics (Durée: .25 heure)
  • Prévention du harcèlement dans le milieu de travail–Édition de l’employé, v2.0 Preventing Harassment in the Global Workplace–Employee Edition, v2.0 (Durée: .47 heure)
  • Prévention du harcèlement dans le milieu de travail – Édition du gérant, v2.0 Preventing Harassment in the Global Workplace–Manager Edition, v2.0 (Durée: .45 heure)
  • Promouvoir un lieu de travail sans alcool ni drogues — Canada Promoting a Substance-free Workplace (Durée: .33 heure)

Respectful Workplace Courses:

Introduction * (for managers and employees)

Identifying Discrimination * (for managers and employees)

Sexual Harassment * (for managers and employees)

Stop Harassment in Its Tracks * (for managers and employees)

Champion Civility * (for managers and employees)

Manage for Respect – Expect the Best * (for managers)

Manage for Respect – Receiving Complaints * (for managers)

Manage for Respect-Corrective Action* (for managers)

Manage for Respect – Establishing Respect Norms * (for managers)

Manage for Respect-Coaching Conversations* (for managers)

Acknowledgement* (for managers and employees)

Respectful Workplace Legal Supplement Courses:

Know Your Rights – New York’s Harassment Protections (for employees and managers)

Know Your Rights – California’s Harassment Protections * (for employees and managers)

Know Your Rights-Maine’s Harassment Protections (for managers)

Know Your Rights – Delaware’s Harassment Protections (for employees and managers)

Know Your Rights – Connecticut’s Harassment Protections *(for managers)

*Combine these courses to meet your state training requirements

JJ Keller HR Compliance Content Library


Sexual Harassment Prevention for Employees (70 min.) (Modules 1-5) DM-57014/ DM-57015 SPANISH

  • What Is Sexual Harassment?
  • Taking Action
  • What Happens Next?
  • Civility In The Workplace
  • Addressing Harassment

Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers (85 min.) (Modules 1-6) DM-56121/ DM-56128 SPANISH

  • What Is Sexual Harassment?
  • Taking Action
  • What Happens Next?
  • Civility In The Workplace
  • Addressing Harassment
  • Additional Management Responsibilities

Active Shooter/Active Threat: How To Survive (50 min.) DM-56447/ DM-56448 SPANISH

Active Shooter/Active Threat: Organizational Preparedness & Recovery (35 min.) DM-56434/ DM-56140 SPANISH

COVID-19 Prevention for Employees: Prepare and Respond DM-61744

COVID-19 Prevention for Employers: How to Keep a Safe Workplace DM-61743

Diversity and Discrimination (60 min.) DM-25819 Employees/ DM-25818 Supervisors

FMLA for Supervisors (45 min.) DM-24829

How to Address HR Challenges in a Dispersed Workforce (30 min.) DM-60953

How to Manage a Remote Team (30 min.) DM-60952

How to Work from Home Effectively (20 min.) DM-60951

Sexual Harassment Prevention Module 1: What Is Sexual Harassment? (20 min.)  DM-56122/ DM-56129 SPANISH

Sexual Harassment Prevention Module 2: Civility In The Workplace (15 min.) DM-56123/ DM-56130 SPANISH

Sexual Harassment Prevention Module 3: Taking Action (15 min.) DM-56125/ DM-56132 SPANISH

Sexual Harassment Prevention Module 4: Addressing Harassment (10 min.) DM-56124/ DM-56131 SPANISH

Sexual Harassment Prevention Module 5: What Happens Next? (10 min.) DM-56126/ DM-56133 SPANISH

Sexual Harassment Prevention Module 6: Additional Management Responsibilities (15 min.) DM-56127/ DM-56134 SPANISH

Sexual Harassment Prevention Module 7: Additional Training For Retail Environments (20 min.) DM-58978/ DM-58979 SPANISH

Substance Abuse Training (60 min.) DM-24794 Employees/ DM-24846 Supervisors

Workplace Bullying and Violence (Employees) (30 min.) DM-30137

Workplace Bullying and Violence (Supervisors) (50 min.) DM-30136

MAPS Courses:

• Is It Bias? Making Diversity Work with Sondra Thiederman
• Bias Reduction: Taking It to the Next Step
• Little Things Mean A Lot: From Micro-inequities to Micro-affirmations
• Real World Guide to Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

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