A new manager learns The Brainier LMS

Join us for our latest webinar: February 22nd at 1:00 PM (CST)
The “Brainier Coffee Company” (a fictional company) has promoted its newest rising star “Kate Francis” (also fictional) to manage learning and development for the organization. Join us as we outline how she will encounter administrative functions in The Brainier LMS.
What Kate will experience on her 1st day as an admin:
-Accessing the LMS
-Dashboards, customizations, and reports
-Assigned training/learning tracks for new managers
-Searching for additional training
-Analytics dashboards featuring oversight of her team
-Skills validation tools
-Creating new learning objects and assigning to groups
Click here to register for the webinar: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1712320456110798606