Bongo Video Assessments
An integrated assessment solution that can help engage your learners.
It’s Time To Assess Competency Through A New Lens.
Bongo is a video assessment solution that enables experiential learning and soft skill development at scale. Our structured video workflows help organizations facilitate spaced skill practice, personalized feedback, and the application of knowledge within a real-world environment. When individuals show what they can do on video, evaluators get an authentic representation of their comprehension level.

Individual Project
Individuals build critical thinking and communication skills as they continuously practice, self-assess, and deliver video presentations. Provides a safe space for individuals to develop new skills or to demonstrate their mastery of them. This workflow couples repeated skill practice with feedback activities like self-assessment and peer review to maximize growth.

Question & Answer
Individuals articulate or apply their knowledge on the spot within a limited time frame. The spontaneous nature of these responses gives evaluators more insight into a learner’s thought process and helps produce the most authentic representation of comprehension.

Interactive Video
Individuals answer questions at different points throughout a video, but this activity tests more than just retention and recall. Video-response prompts also help individuals develop communication and critical thinking skills as they observe, analyze, and respond to real-world scenarios.

Evaluation & Feedback
Feedback can also be streamlined with Auto AnalysisTM, an automated reporting feature that provides deeper insight into an individual’s performance and progress. By generating metrics around the rate of speech, speech clarity, use of filler words, and custom content targets, Auto Analysis gives individuals a better sense of what to focus on as they practice and self-assess, and helps evaluators save time by identifying potential problem areas faster.
Key Metrics Include:
- Rate of Speech
- Speech Clarity
- Use of Filler Words
- Custom Content Targets
For a closer look at Bongo, check out this short video: